Tuesday, June 26, 2012

The Meaning of My Life

Last Sunday. I was in the car with my parents, on the way to drop my dad to a wedding dinner with his friends and me to accompany mum for dinner. I saw the smile on my dads face as he got down from the car - clearly I can see that he is looking forward to catching up with his friends and also good food :) I feel so happy to see him smile. And I thought to myself, "Wow, I will do what I can daily to give him that smile on his face". We are sometimes so busy in life we take for granted the people who are dearest to us...
And during the Japanese dinner with mum I can clearly see she really loves the fresh sashimi and it's nice to see her so happy. I am glad to be able to spend some quality time with her, chatting and enjoying good food too. Mummy-daughter time...
Those moments made me realise the real meaning of my life. I kept searching and wondering all this while, but I think I now understand - it is to love and cherish my loved ones and people who love me while they are with me. Every little moment to be crystalised. :)

Oh and tonight, I made a point to watch a recorded movie on TV together with my parents...I will make more conscious effort to spend more time with them from now on.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Simple Joys in Life

Today i got a chance to witness many simple people living a simple life, revelling in simple joys - in their daily work, their simple food for lunch, everyday they are happy. I wonder if a complicated person feels less happy than a simple person. Someone who has tendency to think and ponder too much like myself often miss out the simple joys in life. I will make a point to live each day happily and to appreciate every little simple joys that comes my way.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

My next year

Focus of life next year - To Celebrate Life - to live fully & happily & positively :)

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

My Obituary In Reverse

My Obituary In Reverse... My Aunt suggested this idea to me to know how do I define a good life...here it goes...

Here Lies Chooi Ling, Beloved daughter of Mr & Mrs.....XYZ....
She always had a smile on her face, lighting up the world with sunshine, optimism and hope. Always trusting by nature, caring, considerate, kind and true to her character.
She always put people at ease whenever she can, being her true self of a warm and friendly person. She makes friends easily and is loved by many.....
As a daughter and sister, she has always brought life to the home with her intelligent remarks, her entertaining stories and interesting take and insight on life. As a good friend, she has always offerred to help whenever her close friends are boggled with conflicts...always offerring a fresh perspective to things...
Always humble, simple and unassuming character, she lived her life fully, pursuing to be the best she can be.
In life, as for anyone else, there are always ups and downs in life. She has loved wholeheartedly, she has fallen and hurt deeply too. She took chances, sometimes she won, sometimes she lost...But throughout it all, she lived life with no regrets. Because she didnt want to lie on her deathbed wondering "What If".
And today she can rest in peace knowing that she has left no room for doubt that she did live with a fierce passion for life.
May her soul & heart rest in peace, may her smile shine upon us like the sunshine and her tears from the past make up rainbows to remind us how beautiful life can be, if you have faith.

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Taking things for granted?

Have you ever realised that you may have taken so many things granted.
Today after work I was having home cooked dinner, then after dinner I saw my mum peacefully surfing net on her FB page (yup! my mum is quite connected in the internet world), Dad reading newspaper, brother watching some movies on youtube, I realised that I have taken simple joys in life for granted. To have your family with you, and your supportive friends around you...how can one be ungrateful and complain about other woes of life when we have so much going for us in our lives?
And tonight, I am truly grateful for all that I have, my health, my family, my friends and most of all, my blessed life.

Monday, June 6, 2011

Live, Love, Smile.

Suddenly this quote came to my mind so I figured I'll put it here.

Today after the yoga class, the instructor told us "The practice as a Yogi transcends beyond the class. Sow the seeds of kindness, seeds of compassion and be non judgemental. That is the true essence of a Yogi"

Wow, think about it, feel it.

If we can approach everything and everyone in life with such love, compassion and light heartedness it will make everybody's life better.

So smile, live your life and love everything that comes along your way :). After all, life is meant to be happy and with no regrets.

Look back into your past with fondness, be present and aware in your current moment and be hopeful and have faith in tomorrow. :)

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Have you ever realised?

Have you ever realised when things are going so badly, that you can feel the friends around you caring for you?

Have you ever realised when you thought you cant go on anymore, when your mind tells you you dont know how you can go ahead, your friends & family remind you of how special and awesome you are, how you are stronger, better than who you think you are?

Hugs to all the people in the world who needs a little bit of encouragement, a little bit more courage to shine and be who they can be in life. Leave behind the burdens of overthinking and the past, close your eyes, inhale and exhale.

Imagine yourself as the Lotus - never polluted by the water surrounding it, no matter how murky. Because inner peace and strength, purity, comes from within.