Dear Mummy & Daddy,
Using free wifi in KLIA-still 45 mins to go before boarding.dont worry I am sitting only 2 minutes walk away from my gate. already found it just now..
By the way, just now as I bid good bye to you all, I suddenly feel that i miss you ! (and i havent even boarded the flight yet hahah)
Anyway, that got me thinking on how often we take things for granted in life.When was the last time we actually make conscious effort to do something to make our loved ones happy?
Right now, I would like to ask you, my dearest dad & mum, can you tell me one thing , the one thing that I can do to make you happier?
I think too often, parents spend their whole lives sacrificing for their kids. But their kids often take things for granted as they are too caught up in the daily busyness. At the end of it all, family & loved ones matter the most,
So I want to take this chance to take a conscious effort to ask, to find out, if there is anything I can do to make you happier:)
Some ideas for starters
- bring you out for nice family dinners?
-sponsor your gym membership?
-prepare home cooked meals?
-buy you some sports gear?
-bring you for vacation?
Dont worry you have the whole 2 weeks to think about it. Do keep me posted on your thoughts!
P.S -Thanks for everything you have ever done for me.
Love, always