Looking back, I am grateful to be fortunate enough to have....- An amazing father - arguably the most amazing man I have ever met in my life thus far. Selfless, helpful, responsible, caring.
- A loving mother -who is more like my soulmate, my elder sister that I never had - someone whom I can share my secrets and life stories with, someone to laugh and cry with, someone who 'gets' me
- A kind boss - such a polite, reasonable and kind hearted person
- A group of friendly and warm colleagues - who adds in even more fun and joy into my daily work at office
- A friend with twisted dark sense of humour - who never fails to amuse me with her over - reactions as we gently poke fun at her. We love her so!
- A friend who keeps talking to me about what gym classes she is going to attend on a day - at least consoles me that I am not the only Gym Freak!
- A friend who is so Zen - that he taught me what it is, to just Be, in the moment, to go with the flow and be happy and peaceful
- A friend who is so solid emotionally (most of the time at least:P ) - who inspires me on how to strike a balance between self acceptance and self improvement
- My nice & caring Yoga teachers
- My fun and inspiring Group exercise class instructors
- Many other kind strangers & acquaintances who have left footprints in my life
Most of all, I am thankful for All the amazing things & people I had, I have and will have in my life :)