Total Items purhased this year end of 2009...
- Haircut by Min @ Shunji Matsuo
- Hair Mask
- Hair Serum
- Dense Bristled Comb
- 1 medium weight facial moisturiser
- 1 light weight oil free facial moisturiser
- 1 facial moisturise with sunblock
- 1 gentle facial cleanser
- 1 deep facial cleanser
- 1 lipbalm
- 1 mascara (dont know why i bought this - i dont even use it once a year)
- 1 silver blue eye liner (also dont know why i bought this - i dont even use eye liner :S)
- Eyeshadow applicator sponge
- 1 foundation
- 1 casual bag
- 2 office wear blouses
- 2 trenchcoat styled tops
- 1 dinner dress
- 1 office wear dress
- 1 3/4 length brown pants
- 2 casual wear ballet flats shoes -1 open toe, 1 closed toe
- 1 3/4 jeans pants
- 1 knee length black pants
- Renewed facial package
........ so broke that i have to restrain myself from going shopping again today although it is my offday...... :P
Like anything else it is just a matter of making a decision and this should be an easy one. If you do not want to leave the house you can even find programs on TV that offer Dance Aerobics. So put your dance shoes on and get with it.
cant ler. i am very picky. If i do something i want to do something that I love and is SUPER tiring and a good workout. :)
Cant wait till all my fav instructors are back from vacation / recovered from injury
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