Only one good reason.
Process of elimination goes...
1) Enough sleep - yes
2) Enough good food - no - horrible canteen food for lunch. But will have to live with it. No other choices except for driving out sometimes.
3) Enough fun classes - NOOOOOOOOOOOO..zero classes since Monday till now...helppppp helpppp
Nowadays my working hours ends around 6. Considerably early compared to my previous working hours.
But, I am not able to make it to my favourite classes anymore. By the time I reach gym, the class is already half done. I have to wait 40 minutes for the next class.. Siennnnnnnn
But judging from my pek-chek-ness this week I think I may feel better walking on treadmill watching tv for 40 minutes, and attend the later class at least on alternate week.
At least i dont have pent up energy and mang-zhang-ness in me screaming to be released..
I SO SO SO need a good attack class followed by balance class later......
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