Today after work, I went home straight for dinner. After dinner, Mum broke the news gently to me.
My godfather has passed away. Immediately at the kitchen counter, I burst out in tears.
Mental images of him raced through my mind, as teardrops pour down my cheeks.
I remember his kindness, his patience, and his love.
He has been sufferring from cancer and secondary infections for some time. Slowly he got thinner and thinner as his appetite for food decrease. Most of the time, he was in pain.
But he never complained at all.
He just took everything in stride and accepted it.
I saw with my own eyes, the love and kindness that his family showered upon him. Everybody was gentle and caring towards the fragile him.
Last Saturday midnight, after coming back from supper with Mum, I saw that Godfather's house was unusually full with relatives. I went over and found him resting on a reclining chair. He didnt look too good - I can almost feel his sufferring and he was semi conscious. At that moment, I was afraid that anything bad may happen to him. He looked like he was having difficulty breathing.
That night, he was sent to the hospital.
He passed away this evening. I am sad that he has left. But on another hand, I feel that it may be best for him, as he has been sufferring far , far too long. His never ending battle with his illness was taking a toil on him.
Tonight also reminds me how often we take the people around us for granted.
Please do not take our own lives for granted. Do not complain about this and that, and forget to be grateful for what we have.
Everyday we wake up with the ability to move, to speak , to hear the birds chirping, to smell the scents of coffee.. all these are the blessings of life which some of us have begun to take for granted.
Lets not wait until it is too late to love the people around us. Express our love today, show that you care. For if you dont, one day it may be just too late.
In retrospect, I am grateful that I had the opportunity to have seen him again last Saturday night. I wish that he may rest in peace, free from pain and sufferrings, ever after.
Daddy, remember that we all love you so, always.
1 comment:
be strong..hugs!
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